Seleste Beaulieu

I am a second year MA student in Psychology at Concordia University. I am currently working under the supervision of Dr. Kristen Dunfield at the Concordia Social Cognitive Development lab. Prior to the start of my graduate degree, I obtained a BSc in Psychology at Concordia University and conducted a thesis exploring intention-mediated selective helping in infancy. My research interests center broadly on normativity and the development of prosocial behaviour in young children.

Although we all possess some normative understanding of prosocial acts, we do not always act in accordance with this knowledge. Therefore, I aim to examine the presence of a knowledge-behaviour gap across a diversity of early-emerging prosocial acts. Specifically, my masters’ thesis will explore the relationship between prosocial norm understanding and behaviour in childhood. As prosociality in childhood is associated with numerous positive developmental outcomes, I hope to further our understanding of the normative knowledge-prosocial behaviour relationship in order to find ways to encourage prosociality in young children.