Second Annual ULaval Everything Agency Conference The second Annual ULaval Everything Agency Conference will be held on April 24-25, 2025, at Université Laval, Québec City, Canada. The conference aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical aspects of agency: philosophy of action, philosophy of emotions, epistemology, normative ethics, normativity broadly construed, meta-ethics and ethical… Continue reading ULaval Everything Agency Conference/Colloque L’agentivité dans tous ses états
Category: Nouvelles
Jay Bernstein (New School for Social Research)
Earth Justice: Emergency Ethics in the Age of Climate Catastrophe Conférence par/Conference by Jay Bernstein (New School for Social Research) Quand/When : 4 avril/ april 4 2025 @ 15:00 – 17:00 Où/Where: J.W. McConnell Building, 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.Room 362 Résumé/Abstract : In the 21st Century, all foundational political philosophy, all theories of social justice must simultaneously address… Continue reading Jay Bernstein (New School for Social Research)
Abraham Roth (Ohio State University)
McGill Philosophy Department & Centre for Research in Ethics Colloquium “Normativity and Psychology in Agreement – the Case of Promising” Abraham Roth (Ohio State University)Friday, March 28, 20253:30-5:30 PMLeacock 927 More details here. ——- Conférence du Département de philosophie de McGill et du Centre de recherche en éthique “Normativity and Psychology in Agreement – the Case of… Continue reading Abraham Roth (Ohio State University)
1 bourse de doctorat et 2 bourses de maîtriseDépartement de PhilosophieUniversité de Montréal / 1 doctoral scholarship and 2 MA scholarships * English follows *La Chaire Ésope dont Denise Celentano est titulaire (2024/2028) offre une bourse de doctorat et deux bourses de maîtrise pour des é dont les recherches portent sur des sujets de philosophie du… Continue reading APPEL À CANDIDATURES – CHAIRE ÉSOPE / CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – AESOP CHAIR
Conférence GRIN – Robin McKenna (University of Liverpool)
Doing Your Own (Patient Activist) Research Conférence par/Conference by Robin McKenna (University of Liverpool) Quand/When : 8 novembre/ november 8 2024 @ 10:00 – 12:00 Où/Where : Salle/Room: DS-1950, Pavillon J.-A. De Sève, 320 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est *La conférence sera aussi présentée sur Zoom. /The conference will also be presented on Zoom. Cette conférence porte sur le travail en… Continue reading Conférence GRIN – Robin McKenna (University of Liverpool)